Brow Moor Carved Rocks - Area 5 (Page 2)
Bronze Age Carved Rocks
Brow Moor, North Yorkshire  General OS Map Ref NZ965012
OS Maps - Landranger 94 (Whitby & Esk Dale), Explorer OL27 (North York Moors - Eastern Area)
Stone numbers and coordinates taken from 'Prehistoric Rock Art in the North York Moors' Chappell & Brown

Brow Moor Stone 5k
Stone 5k at NZ96490122. The carvings on this stone are both shallow and badly worn and as can be seen from the photograph are almost invisible on first inspection. However under close examination a series of long grooves and a separate circular carving become apparent (see interpretive illustration).
Brow Moor Stone 5m
Stone 5m at NZ96490124. Five cup marks, some linked by a meandering channel (marked with water for clarity)
Brow Moor Stone 5i
Stone 5i at NZ96510122. This long slab is divided into two zones by a faint groove (in the centre of the photo above). Towards either end is a badly worn cup and ring motif, the one to the left above has a pair of rings, the one to the right has three. Chappell & Brown also report a further four worn cups elsewhere on the stone.

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